Roe v Wade-Pro-choice vs. Pro-Adoption

There has been a setback for the Pro-Choice abortion movement in the United States. Ok, this wording underplays what happened. The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, letting each state decide whether or not abortions are now legal.

There are protests and riots-I've heard. Where do I stand? Let's start at the beginning. 

Abortions became legal, because many women died or needless suffered in failed or even successful attempts to get abortions prior to abortions becoming legal (ie prior to Roe v. Wade). (period) Meaning that's all you really need to know about the issue.

Going further, some people have valued the life of a baby over the life of the mother, but to me that makes zero sense.

Argument Pro-Adoption:

We don't really have orphanages over here, anymore do we? and yes a baby can be adopted once born. After going over this option-adoption-maybe I'm wrong. Maybe abortions should be illegal, unless the health of the mother is at stake. This is due to the fact that a baby can just be adopted, in which case, I think the mother should have preference over her unborn child-in all cases.

Argument against Adoption: What about when the mother is a drug user? do we really want those babies being born?

Argument for abortion:

The argument for abortions, is that these babies, unwanted by their mothers, might be more likely to become criminals or menaces to society. Unwanted babies, uncared-for children, often don't do well. 

If a mother is getting an abortion, which is really hard on the mother, there is going to be a strong reason, why she does it and not just carry the baby to term and let it be adopted. She should have that choice, in my opinion. 


Abortion is hard, obviously for the unborn child, and even for the mother. But to take away the choice of the mother, is a violation of her rights. Yes, she can give the child up for adoption. Yes, you should try to convince her not to have an abortion. But in the end of the day it is the woman's decision, and we know from the past, that women will do what they need to get an abortion, whether it is legal or illegal.

So as a compromise. we let abortion be legal, and woman have the right to an abortion. but anyone anti-abortion are welcome to use your ideas or aid, to make it easier for a woman to give a baby up for adoption. Perhaps run an orphanage, help pregnant mothers have a comfortable pregnancy. This way these women will have a reason not to get an abortion and carry her baby to full-term.

So there really shouldn't be a pro-life movement, but a pro-adoption movement, which would support mothers carrying the baby to full term, for adoption purposes.

Due to the reversal of Roe v. Wade, states have to decide this issue. And as someone that believes in state's rights and local's rights, I'm hopeful that the states come to a decision that respects a woman's freedom concerning her own body. 

Please share in the comments, your opinion on this issue.

